Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Jimmy's Thirsty!

Over the weekend we bought Henry walkie talkies. He is very much into “spy” stuff lately and apparently this is a necessary accoutrement. It took a while to get him to figure out the whole – hold the button to talk, let go of the button to listen. It was actually quite frustrating. But now we are all good and he loves the walkie talkie. Unfortunately for Henry he developed a wicked fever the other day that reached 102 last night. As a result he had to stay home today but he seems to be on the mend. I would like to give you a taste of our walkie talkie conversation this evening:

Me: Hey Henry where are you?
Henry: I’m in the family room little lady. 10-4.
Me: How are you feeling?
Henry: Better but still sick little Mama.
Me: Do you think you are well enough to go to Michael’s for a playdate tomorrow?
Henry: Oh yes. We are going to play spies.
Me: Do you think you will be well enough to go to school tomorrow?

All of a sudden a total stranger who must have been listening in breaks into our conversation –

Stranger: Henry! Be very careful what you say!! If you say you aren’t well enough to go to school your mom will say you are not well enough to go to Michael’s!!

Henry: Um Mom?
Me: Yes?
Henry: I think I will be well enough to go to Michael’s and school tomorrow.
Stranger: atta boy.

A little later:

Me: Henry it’s bath time. I am going to run the tub now for you and Chloe.
Henry: I don’t wanna take a bath!
Me: I hear you but sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do.
Henry: But Mooooooooom. I don’t wanna take a bath.
Stranger: Henry, listen to your mom. Women like people to be clean. You can fight all you want over this one but you will have to take a bath.
Me: Thank you!
Stranger: All in a day’s work ma’am.

Last weekend I took the kids to an indoor play place. As we were getting ready to leave Henry was being a little whiney and started saying, “Henry’s thirsty. Henry needs a drink”. Now it drives me crazy when he starts with the baby talk and using the third person. So I said, “Who’s thirsty? Is JIMMY thirsty too?” A dad in the cloakroom with us then piped up and said, “GEORGE is getting ANGRY!”

Don’t you love it when someone else is on your wavelength?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Can't Sleep............It's 3 a.m.

Well hello! Betcha thought I wasn’t ever going to write anything ever again. Had a rough couple of weeks with strep and pneumonia and have discovered other issues that have ravaged my immune system so I have to take off the next week and a half. No worries according to the dr. who promised to have me all fixed up. I did have an embarrassing incident on Monday though. I saw an Internal Medicine Specialist (who knew I thought all Dr.’s were internal medicine specialists) and he ordered about twelve vials of blood to be taken. No problem I still had the bruise from the eight vials from the previous week. I am not squeamish in the least as I had regular allergy injections as a kid. So this particular,um, blood lab person (?) was really smooth at changing from vial to vial with no wiggling but something funny happened around vial eight. The floor seemed to be rising I was getting super lightheaded. She noticed and said “keep breathing, stay with me”. The last thing I heard her say was – “oh-oh”. Yes I fainted. What a ladylike thing to do. Hurry someone bring me my snuff! I guess I sort of slumped forward as I was sitting in a chair and she whipped out the needle but I sorta sprayed her labcoat with a spurt of blood. These things are always happening to me. If something embarrassing can happen then it will happen to me.

The ladie’s were very nice and got me water and finished taking the last number of vials and then off I went. BUT maybe I should have sat there for five minutes because as I was standing in the pharmacy I started to feel faint again with that whole floor whooshing feel. Thankfully a nice pharmacist noticed that I had grabbed onto a shelf for support and sort of led me to a chair while I apologized and explained my situation. God! I’m not feeling sorry for myself in the least but really, what next.

I’m sure you all have these types of stories. Like the time Henry and I were grocery shopping and I had a full grocery cart. He was small then and facing me as he sat in the cart. Well he coughed and then gagged and then puked all over himself and me including my coat, pants and boots. I had forgotten wet wipes that day too. Just some Kleenex wiping and I picked up Henry and marched out of that store trying to maintain my pride while walking past people who sort of looked at us aghast. The only kind glances I got was from other moms with that “oh I have so been there look”. I got in the car which now stank to high heaven and called Thomas as I was crying. Poor Thomas, he always gets these kinds of calls from me. Yes I cry when I get frustrated. I can’t help it. I also turn into a big needy suck. Thomas will listen to me for a bit and “tut, tut” and then help me get some perspective before making me laugh about it.

Any else have stuff like this happen?

Well it’s officially 3 am. I should try to sleep.