Easter is done! It was fun, busy and crazy. We did the dinner this year (for 14) and it was a ton of prep but it all worked out. The Easter bunny came through big time and all little people were pleased. Chloe spent most of the time wandering around with her Easter basket on her head but hey – whatever makes you happy!
I keep looking outside waiting for spring and so forth but no such luck. This has been the longest winter ever, dare I say the winter of my discontent? I think we all have had enough of indoors, colds, flu’s etc. Bring on the warm weather and the park and going out after dinner to enjoy the outdoors.
The craziness of the Beijing Olympics is setting in and I am positive there will be shenanigans regarding Tibet. The athletes are so young and will have some strong ideals (which is a great thing) that I predict some competitors flashing the Tibetan flag or doing some other kinds of unrest. Way to go IOC! I never felt comfortable with their choice of Beijing – plus I was sour-grapey about Toronto being passed over. Damn you with your stupid comments Mel Lastman!
I don’t understand awarding China with such an honour after all of its human rights violations. It boggles the mind. Let’s see how it all unfolds – but just remember my prediction. The world is watching.
On to something totally unrelated. Yesterday I discovered that my identity was stolen. No I didn’t wake up and forget who I was – not that kind of identity being stolen. I received two credit cards for two electronic stores that I never applied for. I called and discovered that on March 17th someone got $5000 of credit on each card and maxed them out. I spent the entire morning yesterday on the phone with the stores, three credit bureaus, my bank and the Police. The officer came to my work right away and did some calling around. Turns out the thief (yes thief you rat bastard!) had my name, address, date of birth, SIN NUMBER (!) and a false driver’s license. In the credit card applications it said they worked for The City of Toronto. I am totally pissed. More so I am hurt. I know this person doesn’t know me from Adam but I still feel like someone hates me and is trying to do me harm. It creeps me out. I can’t figure how someone got my SIN number but I suppose there are tons of ways to find it. Just this past January I had a new credit card intercepted before it arrived in the mail and someone in Quebec made four thousand dollars of purchases on it and this wasn’t even activated. I think this might all be related. Lordy!
Well this whole blog seems like a litany of complaints doesn’t it? But I’m not really like that. I’m generally a sunny happy person and if I just went on and on about how much I love my husband and children your eyes would glaze over. BUT (begging your pardon) I must say that Chloe after her bath tonight was toddling around in her rabbit hoody towel with her name on the back and I kid you not people, the sweetness was so crazy that it would make your teeth ache.
Well this is a bit disjointed so I’ll leave it for now but I will leave you this thought – parenting is much easier if you have batteries.
I keep looking outside waiting for spring and so forth but no such luck. This has been the longest winter ever, dare I say the winter of my discontent? I think we all have had enough of indoors, colds, flu’s etc. Bring on the warm weather and the park and going out after dinner to enjoy the outdoors.
The craziness of the Beijing Olympics is setting in and I am positive there will be shenanigans regarding Tibet. The athletes are so young and will have some strong ideals (which is a great thing) that I predict some competitors flashing the Tibetan flag or doing some other kinds of unrest. Way to go IOC! I never felt comfortable with their choice of Beijing – plus I was sour-grapey about Toronto being passed over. Damn you with your stupid comments Mel Lastman!
I don’t understand awarding China with such an honour after all of its human rights violations. It boggles the mind. Let’s see how it all unfolds – but just remember my prediction. The world is watching.
On to something totally unrelated. Yesterday I discovered that my identity was stolen. No I didn’t wake up and forget who I was – not that kind of identity being stolen. I received two credit cards for two electronic stores that I never applied for. I called and discovered that on March 17th someone got $5000 of credit on each card and maxed them out. I spent the entire morning yesterday on the phone with the stores, three credit bureaus, my bank and the Police. The officer came to my work right away and did some calling around. Turns out the thief (yes thief you rat bastard!) had my name, address, date of birth, SIN NUMBER (!) and a false driver’s license. In the credit card applications it said they worked for The City of Toronto. I am totally pissed. More so I am hurt. I know this person doesn’t know me from Adam but I still feel like someone hates me and is trying to do me harm. It creeps me out. I can’t figure how someone got my SIN number but I suppose there are tons of ways to find it. Just this past January I had a new credit card intercepted before it arrived in the mail and someone in Quebec made four thousand dollars of purchases on it and this wasn’t even activated. I think this might all be related. Lordy!
Well this whole blog seems like a litany of complaints doesn’t it? But I’m not really like that. I’m generally a sunny happy person and if I just went on and on about how much I love my husband and children your eyes would glaze over. BUT (begging your pardon) I must say that Chloe after her bath tonight was toddling around in her rabbit hoody towel with her name on the back and I kid you not people, the sweetness was so crazy that it would make your teeth ache.
Well this is a bit disjointed so I’ll leave it for now but I will leave you this thought – parenting is much easier if you have batteries.