Minds out of the gutter people! I have this feeling of happiness today that has taken me by surprise. I think I know why. Let's start at the beginning. I hate folding laundry. No, really. I hate it with the heat of a thousand suns. The laundry, it just never stops coming. You get it all done and then guess what? More, exponentially more. And fiddly too with all the wee socks I have match up.
I opened our laundry shoot (yes we have a laundry shoot I totally love it) and what did I find in the laundry cupboard? A MOUNTAIN of laundry. I felt so overwhelmed. I pictured myself folding every evening all week long. So guess what I did? I stuffed the laundry in two garbage bags and dropped it at the wash and fold on my way to work. It only costs a dollar a pound too. In fact I might be saving money in terms of water, electricity and detergent. Also I will have free time to do stuff other than laundry. Oh, I don't know, stuff like play "my little pony" or yet another round of Monopoly Jr. Still better than laundry.
I guess this is why I'm so happy. If someone told me when I was seventeen that having the laundry done would make me so giddy I would never have believed it. But I am. Next - how to get the toys to magically put themselves away at night!