Ohhhhh Hi!
Right. Christmas. Christmas was good. Busy, fun, tiring, my daughter and husband were sick but that seems par for the course. If one’s family can get by with only 50% of the household being sick then they are doing well. Admit it – half of you guys had someone hacking away too. The Canadian Christmas!
In truth I may sound a bit cynical but the fact remains that we are blessed. As I count out our blessings for my son’s benefit – health, a warm home, food, love, family and security I have to remind myself of my blessings too. A happy marriage, a healthy son and daughter, and a fulfilling career. I might grumble occasionally but they are just daily grumbles of the regular stuff.
Henry and I were watching TV and a commercial came on for a relief agency in Africa. I was going to switch the channel but thought it might do him good to see what others lack. Henry was struck so much and asked if children didn’t really have clean water, medicine and food. He immediately said, well what are WE going to do? This isn’t right. I told him about Foster Parents Plan and other agencies and how when I was a child we sponsored one boy in Korea and another in Sierra Leone. He was very adamant about doing something, now, immediately. I realized another blessing then. That as challenging Henry can be, as sometimes he seems a lot more work than other kids and much more highly strung, that as long has he feels empathy and compassion that in the long run he will be just fine and hopefully he can help others along the way.
Happy New Years! 2008 – My kids are going to freak when they are older and find out I was born in 1968. I guess we must have rode horses to school. Excuse me while I go muck out the stables.
Right. Christmas. Christmas was good. Busy, fun, tiring, my daughter and husband were sick but that seems par for the course. If one’s family can get by with only 50% of the household being sick then they are doing well. Admit it – half of you guys had someone hacking away too. The Canadian Christmas!
In truth I may sound a bit cynical but the fact remains that we are blessed. As I count out our blessings for my son’s benefit – health, a warm home, food, love, family and security I have to remind myself of my blessings too. A happy marriage, a healthy son and daughter, and a fulfilling career. I might grumble occasionally but they are just daily grumbles of the regular stuff.
Henry and I were watching TV and a commercial came on for a relief agency in Africa. I was going to switch the channel but thought it might do him good to see what others lack. Henry was struck so much and asked if children didn’t really have clean water, medicine and food. He immediately said, well what are WE going to do? This isn’t right. I told him about Foster Parents Plan and other agencies and how when I was a child we sponsored one boy in Korea and another in Sierra Leone. He was very adamant about doing something, now, immediately. I realized another blessing then. That as challenging Henry can be, as sometimes he seems a lot more work than other kids and much more highly strung, that as long has he feels empathy and compassion that in the long run he will be just fine and hopefully he can help others along the way.
Happy New Years! 2008 – My kids are going to freak when they are older and find out I was born in 1968. I guess we must have rode horses to school. Excuse me while I go muck out the stables.