I won’t go on about the weekend because it wouldn’t be of much interest but old Montreal certainly is beautiful in a way that Toronto is not. The dining experience is different also. We had a dinner that began at 7:30 pm and did not end till almost 11:30. Five small courses plus coffee served in a way that makes food the main event – not something to have before going to a movie. Even though all of this sounds lovely, I cannot tell you how much I missed my husband and little chicken pox children. I felt like such a heel leaving when they were clingy and whiny and under the weather. I mean the children, not my husband. Ahem.
The good news is that I did not die in a plane crash as we flew in a six seater turbo prop to and from Montreal. I was mildly concerned that something might go wrong as we flew through a snow storm in Montreal and on the way home flew through that freezing rain. It was quite an experience and I would do it again in a heartbeat. My husband did want to inquire if it was possible for me to get extra life insurance for two days. Nice eh? I told him if I died he could marry a curvy 27 year old. He was mortified. "God no! She'd want to have more kids!". Hee.
Another good thing is that the kidlets were well on the mend by Sunday night and Henry reported that he was crusty now so he could go back to school on Monday. YAY! Also Monday is our parent teacher interview. BOO! I KNOW he has trouble concentrating. I KNOW. Yet I must hear it again. It’s so hard because you know this is all done out of concern for the well being of your child but what I tend to hear is , “You are a shit parent!” “This is ALL your fault!” “You have screwed him up for LIFE!” “Why don’t you DO something to FIX this?” I swear to god I will never get all Judgey McJudgerson on another parent again (okay that’s a lie – only sometimes if the parent is really truly crap.) Sometimes you do ALL the right things and try everything yet it doesn’t affect the type of change you want to make.
Am I alone here? God!
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