Monday, April 7, 2008

Monkey Bread!

That’s right. Monkey Bread! Let me explain. You see I think people are divided firmly into two camps; those who cook and those who bake. I’m in the cook camp. Before we had children, every Sunday I would try a new recipe. Thomas and I would then judge it as a keeper to add to our repertoire or something we would never make again. It was fun in that I found it relaxing yet creative at the same time. Plus throw in some music and a glass of wine while Thomas watched golf and it was quite a nice Sunday ritual. Unfortunately right now my cooking is mostly making mini pizzas and chicken nuggets. Okay sometimes I make a chili or homemade soup but that’s about it. Time is of the essence when kids need to be fed. I look forward to when they are older and I can go back to getting creative in the kitchen.

This long story brings us back to Monkey Bread. I found it on a parenting website and it seemed so simple and fun that I thought the kids and I should make it one evening last week when Thomas was in Boston. It seemed like the perfect time killer to keep my little peeps preoccupied.

So, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m going to give you the recipe. Brace yourselves people.

Take 3 cans of Pillsbury biscuits and have the children cut them into quarters using regular table knives (no lost fingers that way). Have them roll the pieces into balls.
Fill a zipper bag with one cup white sugar and two teaspoons of cinnamon. Drop about six balls into the bag and shake to coat. Grease a bundt pan and have them drop the balls in there after they are coated. This is a whole lotta ball talk isn’t it? The great thing is this takes forever but they are so happy that it is a good thing. While the peeps are doing this take a small pot and melt a stick of butter. I KNOW, here in Canada we generally don’t have sticks of butter but it really just is a quarter of a block of butter. Once the butter is melted put in one cup of brown sugar and stir until mixed. Pour the whole darn thing over the balls (balls! Again!) in the bundt pan. Put into a 350 degree oven and let bake for about half an hour and voila! Let set in bundt pan for about 5 minutes before turning it over. It tastes like cinnamon buns or Chelsea buns.

We were questioning the name of Monkey bread. It looks funny so maybe it was made by Monkey’s. Henry offered the explanation that it looked like Monkey poop (nice). My theory is that it is called Monkey bread to keep your damn little Monkey’s busy for longer than the usual 5 minutes. Either way - good times. I’m an advocate for the Monkey bread.

I’m also an advocate for mothers! I know, that came out of nowhere but it’s true. You know how Rugby players are tough? Well they are not as tough as mothers. Once again I apologize to my Mother (who is probably playing tennis in heaven right now) because I can’t imagine handling three kids under three years old when you are only twenty six. She was a force to be reckoned with. She could keep an immaculate house, make great meals, work as a nurse at a local hospital, take care of all of us, have stimulating philosophical discussions, and my favourite thing ever – be waiting for me on the front porch after school with a glass of pink lemonade and brownie cookies. At the time I was ignorant of all the work and love she put into her life. Sorry Mommy – I recognize your efforts now.

I find myself in a place today when STUFF HAS TO GET DONE. Last week Thomas was in Boston for work and I had to care of the kids by myself, prepare single-handedly for our Board meeting, Annual General Meeting, Board retreat, financial statements and create a manager’s report. All of this was done during my third bout’ of pneumonia. I say bring it on Ultimate fighters – I know you can fight but would you be able to do all this? Mothers can knock over buildings people. Here’s to all you mothers out there. If your Mom is still around give her a call and thank her for all she has done. If you want to I mean, I’m not the bossy type of chick. Wish I could be but alas, no.

Update: So I woke up Monday morning feeling horrific and took the day off work. Not so tough anymore – eh hotshot?

P.S. I took a great picture of our Monkey bread but can't find the damn usb cable! Foiled by technology yet again.


Anonymous said...

Every mom needs a pat on the back every now and again - congrats, sounds like you are a GREAT mom !!!


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