I finally got around to downloading my pictures. I now present to you - (drum roll please) Monkey bread made by Charlie and Sophie. I KNOW you've been dying to see this picture and I do not want to disappoint.
The strange thing is on this blogspot thing you can only upload one picture per post and now I have tons of pictures. This was my only one of food though. Seriously just last night it just about killed me to get chicken breasts, veggies and rice on the table in under half an hour. The natives are hungry the second I get home so leisurely making a nice meal is next to impossible. Does anyone else go through this meal time guilt? Some evenings I even give my children what we refer to as a "snacky" dinner. It consists of cold meat, babybel cheese, fishy crackers, raw carrots and cucumbers, strawberries or chopped up apple and a yogurt. I know technically its not bad for them but I feel bad that I haven't made something. My cooking lately is mostly just assembling things on a plate.
I pretty much know my children's likes and dislikes when it comes to food and I really can't complain because they are pretty good eaters. What drives me batty is when they go and change the rules on you. What might be considered delicious (or in Sophie's case - dewishus) on Saturday may be something that will be abhorred the following Thursday. I can't stand the feeling of having cooked up a storm and being very pleased by presenting this meal made with love to be coldly met with a resounding "yuck". It feels like you are getting slapped. We have a rule around our house that if you try something and like it then it goes down on the list as an approved food and you will agree to eat it again. If this approved food shows up on the dinner table and you decide it is not to your liking then tough. It's that or nothing and don't even think of asking for desert! Wow, I sound tough. That's rare.
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