Last night as I was about to take Sophie up to bed the skies opened and it started raining like crazy. As I mentioned before I love a good storm so I took Sophie and Charlie out to sit on the front porch. They squealed as the mist of the hard rain came over us - sort of like our own personal maid of the mist. And then before I knew it Sophie jumped off the porch and right into the downpour. She held her hands aloft to the sky and leaned back so the rain could hit her in the face. She started twirling and swirling her skirt as she started to get soaked. Charlie started yelling, "oh no she'll get wet! Oh no!". Please note this is coming from a kid who thinks he will melt if he gets one drop of rain on him. Sophie discovered there were puddles now on the front path so she started stomping in them and was squealing, "Sophie all wet! Sophie all wet! Yay rain!"
At that point Alan came out and noted she was totally soaked. I just told him that a little rain dancing was going on and she would dry, no harm done. She was grabbing hold of life with her two little hands and squeezing every bit she could from it. She sort of reminds me of someone. Her Great-Grandma.
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