Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Label

Labels. I promised myself I would never label my children when they were born. Yes, their behaviour could be naughty but they themselves would never be bad. Yes, their behaviour could be difficult or challengeing but they themselves would never be those things.

When I was about eight or nine I clearly remember playing a game on the floor with my sister (pop-o-matic Trouble I think) when my father's mother ( my paternal grandmother) said while I was in the room , "oh Stephanie will never be pretty but I think with her personality and sense of humour she will find someone." It stuck. That label. It was a throw away comment made by someone who never thought it would stick but guess what.

I know how to take labels off of bottles. You simply have to bathe them in warm water for a period of time then they are easy to remove.

Since that throw away comment was said I've been bathed in love by my family and my husband but guess what? That label is still stuck. It never seems to go away. It doesn't matter if I am slim, or change my hair or update my clothes. I can never shake that label. That is why my two little people will never be labelled anything but positive.

1 comment:

Kath said...

Well I sure think you are pretty, both on the outside and inside. And you prove that each and every day !!!