Well last week was a tough one for you wasn’t it? Yes Alberta is raising its taxes on each barrel of oil. Wait. Is that you freaking out over there? Are you starting to bluster and threaten Canadian jobs? Oh my, Big Oil Companies, I feel so, so, not very sorry for you. Really.
Okay let’s look at some facts shall we? Oil is a finite commodity. Alberta has the cheapest oil in the world. Alberta is the safest place to purchase oil in the world. You do not have to pay exorbitant fees to ship oil to the United States. The fact is, we have it, you want it, and you should pay for it.
Albertan oil has been the cheapest in the world and has never been in line with the other oil producing countries. The Government of Alberta has finally put a stop to that and put two and two together. One day there will be no oil left in Alberta. It takes three barrels of water to make one barrel of oil and guess where the oil companies are getting that water? From rivers in Canada for FREE. Scientists predict that when the tar sands are empty of oil there will be a crater large enough to been seen from the moon and Alberta will be suffering a major water shortage. Oil production also leaves a not so lovely end product of sludge that is currently residing in large reservoirs. The sludge has begun leaking into the water table and as Erin Brockavitch can attest to; this is bad, bad, business.
Let’s look at some other advantages of getting oil from Canada. Would you rather deal with the Government of Canada or a large number of dictators from the Middle East? Would you rather have your people running to Tim Horton’s or running from I.E.D.’s? I’m sure the cost of risk-pay for a worker in the Middle East must be insane.
Alberta will never be the same after the oil sands are depleted. It makes sense for the people there to get some money to assist in their problems in the future and by bringing their oil prices simply in line with the rest of the world is totally understandable. I know the oil companies are threatening jobs etc. but the fact is that they are not in a place to take their ball and go home. Companies pull hair and rent garments about the cost of R&D and oil extraction but the fact is that this tax wouldn’t be invoked until the company starts showing a profit. How sweet a deal is that? We are the only game in town and they need us. I actually believe that all Canadians should benefit from this tax but if I said this aloud in Alberta there would most likely be a bar fight. That’s a discussion for another day.
So Big Oil Companies I don’t feel your pain because as the richest companies in the world you really don’t have any. Lastly, if you want to take Alberta to the dance the least you can do is buy her dinner.
Kindest regards,
Stephanie Smith