This morning as I was getting ready for work, Thomas came into our bedroom with a loud sniff and moan. I asked what was wrong and he sort of whined that he had a cold. Except it sounded more like, “I hab a code.” I commiserated with him for a bit and then he said, “You don’t get it. I’m a MAN! I’ve got a MAN cold!”
He then re-enacted the whole latest Youtube video about the man cold.
Imagine this in a hoarse whisper, “I called for you! I called Steeeeephaaaanie! Steeeeephaaanie! And you never came. So I called 911.” “Go and get me a bell. Get me a bell and whenever I ring it come to me immediately and rub my head and say, “poor little bunny. Poooooor little bunny.”
I offered to get him some cold medicine and he scoffed at me, “Cold medicine doesn’t work! I’m dying here. I’m dying here and no one understands, not even the makers of Nyquil.”
I reminded him of last Christmas when I had pneumonia. Once again he scoffed, “Woman pneumonia is NOTHING like the MAN COLD.” “Get it through your head woman!” “This is truly awful!”
I then suggested that if he was so sick then he wouldn’t be up for any “romance” this weekend. He replied, “I SAID I was sick – Not Dead!”
He then re-enacted the whole latest Youtube video about the man cold.
Imagine this in a hoarse whisper, “I called for you! I called Steeeeephaaaanie! Steeeeephaaanie! And you never came. So I called 911.” “Go and get me a bell. Get me a bell and whenever I ring it come to me immediately and rub my head and say, “poor little bunny. Poooooor little bunny.”
I offered to get him some cold medicine and he scoffed at me, “Cold medicine doesn’t work! I’m dying here. I’m dying here and no one understands, not even the makers of Nyquil.”
I reminded him of last Christmas when I had pneumonia. Once again he scoffed, “Woman pneumonia is NOTHING like the MAN COLD.” “Get it through your head woman!” “This is truly awful!”
I then suggested that if he was so sick then he wouldn’t be up for any “romance” this weekend. He replied, “I SAID I was sick – Not Dead!”
Isn't a blog supposed to be written every day or at least every few days?
Okay Kimmi! Stop giving me a rough time.
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