Sorry it’s been a while – ton’s of stuff going on so this is more of catch up blog. Firstly and foremost dear friends of ours have had two immediate family losses within the past week and a half. Yes that will be two funerals less than a week apart. The same family, holding two funerals – it seems too much to handle. In some ways the running about and organization that needs to get done can be helpful in occupying one’s mind for a while before the real work of mourning sets in. I speak from experience. The burning need to do something to help, to help take away pain is there but I also know that it isn’t really possible. I only wish there was something to do.
My husband has gone away on a business trip and we all know what that means don’t we? Somebody has to get sick – that’s what always happens. Always. This time it was me. I woke up last Thursday with a sore throat straight from the pits of hell. The kind of sore throat where one actually says “ow” when one try’s to swallow. I went to the walk in on Friday and the Dr. told me it looked like Strep but he wouldn’t write me a script until the lab results came back. Well heigh ho – that means I would wait until at least Monday. Last night (mon) the results came in – yep for Strep. I’m off to get my prescription for penicillin this morning. At least relief is in sight after five days of this nonsense. Drinking protein shakes gets tiring – maybe I should get some “Boost”.
Henry has been doing well lately but still gets the crazy mood swings from time to time. He’s been one lucky kid in that last week alone he went to The Rainforest Café, A Movie (veggie-tales) and Monsterjam – the Monster truck rally at the Roger’s centre. Yet at the end of the day if one little thing doesn’t go his way its still “The Worst day – EVER!”. Oh for the love of pete. He also get’s a bit grumpy when his dad is away but the answer is to keep him busy busy busy. I have discovered that a happy Henry is a busy Henry. We have stuffed planned for every morning (he goes to school in the afternoon). He is much better behaved when he has lots to do.
Good news! Chloe is finally becoming a better sleeper inner. Instead of 4:30- 5:30 she is actually getting up btwn 5:30 and 6:30 and to us that is heaven. It has taken about three weeks to make this change but still – small victories people – I’ll take em’.
This is probably TMI but I have developed the most frightening pimple on the side of my nose. I have been blessed in that I’ve had pretty good skin my whole life so this one came out of nowhere. I was discussing it with an officemate yesterday and we agreed it was almost its own country, its own continent possibly. So yes, I am now sporting – Nostralia! Add that to my Strep and I look as good as I feel. I guess it is best that my husband is away at this time. He doesn’t have to bear the evils of Nostralia.
In rereading this entry it seems very down but I’m actually in good spirits today (strep and Nostralia aside) in that I know the penicillin will kick in soon so happier times are ahead.
My husband has gone away on a business trip and we all know what that means don’t we? Somebody has to get sick – that’s what always happens. Always. This time it was me. I woke up last Thursday with a sore throat straight from the pits of hell. The kind of sore throat where one actually says “ow” when one try’s to swallow. I went to the walk in on Friday and the Dr. told me it looked like Strep but he wouldn’t write me a script until the lab results came back. Well heigh ho – that means I would wait until at least Monday. Last night (mon) the results came in – yep for Strep. I’m off to get my prescription for penicillin this morning. At least relief is in sight after five days of this nonsense. Drinking protein shakes gets tiring – maybe I should get some “Boost”.
Henry has been doing well lately but still gets the crazy mood swings from time to time. He’s been one lucky kid in that last week alone he went to The Rainforest Café, A Movie (veggie-tales) and Monsterjam – the Monster truck rally at the Roger’s centre. Yet at the end of the day if one little thing doesn’t go his way its still “The Worst day – EVER!”. Oh for the love of pete. He also get’s a bit grumpy when his dad is away but the answer is to keep him busy busy busy. I have discovered that a happy Henry is a busy Henry. We have stuffed planned for every morning (he goes to school in the afternoon). He is much better behaved when he has lots to do.
Good news! Chloe is finally becoming a better sleeper inner. Instead of 4:30- 5:30 she is actually getting up btwn 5:30 and 6:30 and to us that is heaven. It has taken about three weeks to make this change but still – small victories people – I’ll take em’.
This is probably TMI but I have developed the most frightening pimple on the side of my nose. I have been blessed in that I’ve had pretty good skin my whole life so this one came out of nowhere. I was discussing it with an officemate yesterday and we agreed it was almost its own country, its own continent possibly. So yes, I am now sporting – Nostralia! Add that to my Strep and I look as good as I feel. I guess it is best that my husband is away at this time. He doesn’t have to bear the evils of Nostralia.
In rereading this entry it seems very down but I’m actually in good spirits today (strep and Nostralia aside) in that I know the penicillin will kick in soon so happier times are ahead.
Midday update: so now due to all my noseblowing the underside of my nose has become all cracked and bloody - so it now matches nostrailia. My boss and I agreed I was beginning to look like a leper. I'm thinking the Hijab has it's merits.
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