Monday, November 26, 2007

The Busy-ness! It's Crazy making!


It is simply unconscionable how I have ignored this here blog thing. I'm telling you though, when one gets overloaded and overwhelmed it quickly fell to the bottom of the pile. There were a number of days there when I felt like a rag being wrung dry. I wanted to please my husband, my boss, my grandmother, my sister, my two children, my daytime nanny and my friends. I was running on the spot, almost to the point where I was so distracted that I felt paralyzed. As I mentioned before, I am a middle of the night worrier. I would lie beside my dozing husband and itemize all the stuff that needed to get done. Phone this person, complete this form, clean out this drawer, make sure son's homework is done. Homework! in Kindergarten? WTF?

This stress with me leads to other stuff like cankers. I know, how crazy is that? Mouth cankers that make it impossible for me to eat leading to crazy weight loss. So crazy that I drink protein shakes and instant breakfast crap. I also think I now have the metabolism of a stressed out Meerkat. Have you ever seen those hyper little things? I kid you not that I have a closet full of clothes that range from a size ten to a size three. The three's are getting loose. I used to think that would be great but really it's not much fun.

So I am getting over the hurdle of a particularly busy time and I want to get back at this blog. Also Thomas was kicking my ass about it earlier this evening, telling me how I have to get back at it as I enjoy it.

So yes - please check back as I hope to be here. Thanks for coming back!

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