Saturday, April 19, 2008

Scary Trip to Dominion!

It’s Saturday now – two entry’s in two days! Go me. Last night was a wee bit rough. For some reason Charlie (yes Charlie, my kids name is not Henry and I can’t keep the pretence up – besides only my friends probably read this. So Chloe isn’t Chloe, she’s Sophie. Ahh that feels better.) Where was I? Oh yes, Charlie woke at 1 am and needed a hug and soforth and went back down. Then he called for me every fifteen minutes until I realized he had a fever. I gave him Tylenol and crawled into bed with him (he has a queen-sized bed and I was tired of keep getting up). So we slept pretty much okay except once again he kicked me in the crotch a couple of times. Sorry but it’s his height! Next year he will kick me in the legs.

We’ve got swimming lessons and sportplay today and I have to drag poor Sophie with me so I hope she’ll be okay as I will be seriously messing with her nap schedule. It’s only eight am and I feel like calling my husband in Montreal but that would totally be mean as I’m sure the boys had a late night out.

We have no food in the house, so I have to take both of them shopping. I know that tons of single mom’s do this but I haven’t done it since Sophie was a wee baby. Wish me luck people, it might get ugly. If you find yourself in the Dominion on Lloyd manor and hear screaming (either from a child or me) then please excuse us. We need to get some Delissio! I must say the new Delissio pizzas (esp the mushroom, bacon and pepperoni) totally rock.

I have to go and get ready for the day. My new “do” is very high maintenance and involves Velcro rollers and a straightener – I must put up a picture so you know I exist. My facebook picture is ancient too.

Have a good weekend everyone! Esp. my reader in Florence – once again send food – or at least a good recipe.

P.S. Does anyone else think that the Dominion sign sort of looks like Gominion? I've thought that my whole life. Its the way they mess around with the D - it always messes me up.


Anonymous said...

didnt see 'ya at Dominion --- I'll bet you did well !


stephanie said...

It actually wasn't too bad except Sophie threw her stuffed puppy and it wacked some guy in the back of the head! I did feel like I aged two years on that outting!