Tuesday, May 27, 2008

and Betty when you call me, You can call me Al!

Okay since I've outed my children's real names on this site I might as well out my husbands because it is getting confusing. Yes Thomas is not Thomas, Thomas is Al. Well Alan. You see I met Alan in high school - alphabetically his last name came right after mine so I first met him in homeroom in grade 11. He was known as Al back then, not Alan. We were friends and nothing more in that I sort of felt that he was out of my league. I was very shy back then esp. with the opposite sex. Wait. Maybe I should say members of the opposite sex that I liked. Anyhoo, the weird thing is that at prom time it turns out that we both had broken up with our respective boyfriend/girlfriend and found ourselves at loose ends. We were in the Cafe (cafeteria) most likely cutting class one afternoon when I suddenly said, "Hey Al! We should go to the prom together!" I said it in a sort of kidding manner in case he said no. But happily he said that it was a great idea. Woo. So yes. Armed with a hard as nails french braid (with baby's breath of course - this was the 80's) and in hindsight a very bridesmaidish ROYAL BLUE dress (what the hell was I thinking - damn you 80's) off we went to the prom. We had lots of fun but thing is the bastard (just kidding Al!) never made a move. So pfssst. That was it. Nada for 12 years.

Fast forward 12 years. With a myriad of relationships with the wrong people (not many just a few ) I all of a sudden got an email from Al. He saw my email address on a joke broadcast email. I discovered he was single. My prom date. He asked me out for drinks. Screw that I thought and upped the ante and said, "hey how 'bout dinner?" Heh - I'd become streetwise in the passing years. It was weird but great at the same time. We were different people but essentially the same.

Fast forward yet again about a year and a half and we were married. Al preferred to be called Alan now. It's very hard to call someone you know by a different name I found. In some instances when one is in a hurry they shorten peoples names. One afternoon my mother in law was over and I called upstairs, "Hey Al, could you bring me a diaper (or something like that)". His mom said, "His NAME is Alan!" Ummmmm, okay. I get that, you sorta like invented him and everything but seriously, I think that as his wife I can call him whatever the heck I like.

Either way, Thomas is now Al, or Alan if you can mange the change. Whatever the hell he is called he's my guy and that's more than enough for me.

P.S. I would have made this post much mushier but Al, I mean Alan, is a much more private person than I am. I can sit around with my girlfriends and have detailed conversations about menses and digestive tracts and tell them everything. Alan thinks I am much too open. But hey, I'm a girl, this is what we do.

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