Well this is just a quick one. I work in a certain part of Toronto where it is hard to find a sandwich for under $7.00. There are quite the number or hoity toits (sp?) and big shots that run errands in this particular area. There is one upscale food store that I often buy lunch at. NOT because I have lots of money but because I am lazy. Today as I was at the counter about to be served a certain TV/Magazine personality swanned into the store. This woman has the art of swanning down pat. I’m not a swanner, wish I was.
Let’s back up a bit. Last winter she swanned into the foodstore in a puffy fir coat and equally puffy hair. She shouted over my head to the man behind the counter something to the effect of, “Hello Jean (or whatever) my regular please I’m in a bit of a rush!” She pushed someone aside, paid and swanned out. About four of us who had been in the store before her sort of gave each other that eyebrow raised, what the hell, look.
That one impression of her has soured me towards her. If I ever saw her on T.V. I would scream at the screen, “raving bitch! Budder!” This all brings us to today. I now know her evil moves and am sufficiently equipped this time to deal with it. A soon as she came in, she did her whole “Hi ho! My regular please!” I blocked the register area and said to the man behind the counter quite loudly, “I believe that I was here first.” The swanner then wrinkled her nose at me like I was bug and told the counter man in an angry voice, “Fine Jean, I'll be back in ten.” I gave her one of those evil raking looks and looked her up and down with a “who do you think you are “glance. She didn’t even apologize for trying to bud at all.
After she left an older British gentleman in line behind me started to chuckle and said, “quite right, well done!” I was chuffed I tell you. Quite.
Let’s back up a bit. Last winter she swanned into the foodstore in a puffy fir coat and equally puffy hair. She shouted over my head to the man behind the counter something to the effect of, “Hello Jean (or whatever) my regular please I’m in a bit of a rush!” She pushed someone aside, paid and swanned out. About four of us who had been in the store before her sort of gave each other that eyebrow raised, what the hell, look.
That one impression of her has soured me towards her. If I ever saw her on T.V. I would scream at the screen, “raving bitch! Budder!” This all brings us to today. I now know her evil moves and am sufficiently equipped this time to deal with it. A soon as she came in, she did her whole “Hi ho! My regular please!” I blocked the register area and said to the man behind the counter quite loudly, “I believe that I was here first.” The swanner then wrinkled her nose at me like I was bug and told the counter man in an angry voice, “Fine Jean, I'll be back in ten.” I gave her one of those evil raking looks and looked her up and down with a “who do you think you are “glance. She didn’t even apologize for trying to bud at all.
After she left an older British gentleman in line behind me started to chuckle and said, “quite right, well done!” I was chuffed I tell you. Quite.
1 comment:
Like her time is more important than anyone else's...I hate these people!! If there time is so much more important than the rest of us...then perhaps they should pay someone to stand in line for them...might I suggest a nice homeless person...oh wait...I forgot people like her don't see the homeless....
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