Well Jesus, Mary and Joseph, its 8:40 and I’m pooped. I have to say that a number of things are on my mind. Firstly, what the hell is going on in Pakistan? I know this generally isn’t a huge issue for North Americans but things over there are totally heating up. Musharraf is giving Bhutto house arrest and Bhutto is planning on a big protest march and let’s not kid ourselves, possibly hundreds of people will be blown up if this occurs. This particular part of the world is a powder keg and I don’t pretend to know all the in’s and out’s at all but I do know that whatever happens will have huge ramifications. I fear for the world impact but on a more humane level I fear for loss of life. Coming from a Western country it’s very easy to say, “Well there is like millions of folk over there so a couple hundred lives aren’t really anything” but dammit they are. Could you imagine a headline such as, “Toronto’s Mayor David Miller led a protest march today and two hundred people were killed”? Lives are lives, no matter where they are from. Every life is just as worthy as another no matter what.
Well this post was most rudely interrupted by Henry who was in need of yet another goodnight hug. Guess what happened? I went up and put on his yoga relaxation music. I kid you not I try to bliss out my high anxiety child nightly. We call this his “night-time music”. I’m not trying to raise an urban granola kid here. We highly condone the eating of meat and I don’t have it in me to serve tofu and that textured protein stuff. Steak! Chili! The real thing. Next I’ll be saying Cholesterol! High Blood pressure! The real thing. Oh please, I’m not that bad, I made an extra trip on the way home from work for more fruits and veggies. Truly I don’t want my kids developing scurvy. What they do in their own homes in the future is their own deal but really I don’t want to give them another reason to blame me for something in the future. I’m sure they are building up quite the arsenal already.
So I laid down (lay down?) on his bed to give him his desperately needed hug at about 9:00 pm and the next thing I knew, Thomas was waking me up at 11:00 asking me if I was coming to bed. Well rat shit. I blissed out on the yoga music (I should get some for my room!) and in the process I lost a whole evening. Yet another day of go go go and off to sleep without any down time. Mama need’s a vacation. Everyone here who thinks so please raise your hand? Yes you in the back row, when you get around to having kids’ I’ll cover your back. Arm up please!
So now its 5:30 am and I’m up with Chloe, the time change resister, who is enjoying a baby Einstein with her bottle of milk. Wait. Now she is yelling MOOOO! MOOO! at the cows at an alarming decibel level. She never yells at any other animals besides cows which kills me. Cows I guess are one of the least active animals and they really need to spice things up to entertain the ever moving toddler. Mooooo! Dammit. Moooooooooooooooo!
Well I like to tie things up at the end of a post but who can connect cows with Pakistan?
Wait! I can! I actually remember wondering if the cow was revered in Pakistan like it is in India. You know how the Hindu’s love their cows in India. Cows there are not eaten and pretty much have free reign over the place. But then I started thinking about how Muslim’s do eat beef, Halal Beef, but still. Try to imagine a discussion between two cows on the border of Pakistan. “Hey Sundeep – don’t cross that line over there.” “Why not?” “Well you know how we are treated like Minor deities over here and can wander into anyone’s backyard or house if we feel like it?” “If you cross that line you might become lunch.”
Wait! I can! I actually remember wondering if the cow was revered in Pakistan like it is in India. You know how the Hindu’s love their cows in India. Cows there are not eaten and pretty much have free reign over the place. But then I started thinking about how Muslim’s do eat beef, Halal Beef, but still. Try to imagine a discussion between two cows on the border of Pakistan. “Hey Sundeep – don’t cross that line over there.” “Why not?” “Well you know how we are treated like Minor deities over here and can wander into anyone’s backyard or house if we feel like it?” “If you cross that line you might become lunch.”
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